Site News: Migrating to a faster server this week

The entire AdamChandler suite of sites is going under migration this week. If emails to me get a delayed notice or you can’t get to my site, it’s all a part of the process. I migrated a year ago and while I’m staying with the same web-host, I’m going to a much faster system.

100GB of SSD Storage, 6 gigabytes of RAM, no bandwidth caps and a newer Intel quad-core chip in a much more central data center. My old system had a bit more storage but on slower disk drives, 4 gigabytes of RAM and while quad-core, the clock speed of the system was about half of what I’m moving to. I also had an issue with latency in resolving the domain which should be resolved going forward.

It’s a nice upgrade and I’ll be spending about $350 a year on hosting this year before add-ons like daily backups. My overall spending actually went down on hosting which is always a good thing!

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