Linked: “LGBTQ+ Terminology”

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“…and the extended acronym LGBTQQIAP2S, which stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Pansexual, and Two-Spirit.”

Never has an acronym made me feel so old and out of touch than this one.

Half of my male friends are gay, I spent New years Eve 3 years in a row at a gay club in Florida with my then girlfriend because they played real-techno back when every other local club played nothing but Britney Spears remixes that were repetitive and boring (and it was a more fun crowd). I enjoyed 80 cent Cosmos at the Bars in Castro on Monday nights in SF and I cry every time I watch Milk. I absolutely support and recognize anyone that is a part of the formally-known-as LGBT Community.

However, that acronym is a little ridiculous. I’m all for inclusion but guys, we gotta like trim that down slightly. LGBT was all encompassing or so I thought. 

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