Coffee: Brûlerie de café de Québec – Quebec City, Canada

Brûlerie de café de Québec

This is a highly reviewed cafe in Quebec City on one of the busier commerce streets outside of Old Town. The owner (who I don’t believe was in on the Saturday I dropped by) seems to be incredibly geeky about coffee. They were equipped with a huge selection of coffee making gear for sale, over 25 different types of beans, an on-site roaster machine and all coffee was ground and brewed using timers, scales and ultimate care by the two women on staff that day. They offer Siphon, Cold Brew, Pour Over (via Chemex & Clever Pot) as well as espresso drinks. The location also offers tea but I didn’t sample any this day.

Espresso, Long shot, dopio, 6/10. Lacked any decent flavor, despite being a long-shot, it was quite worse and more watery than I’ve experienced in the past with a slightly burnt flavor.

Chemex Pour-Over with Ethiopia yirgacheffe beans. 5/10. The bean to water ratio was spot on but they used the metal “Kone” filters which I tried a few years ago and was very unhappy with. These allow a lot of sediment into the Chemex no matter how course you set the grinder on the beans. This preparation was no exception. Decently tasting coffee with a ton of sediment

The Latte was well made, delicious but maybe too sweet. It had a nice espresso to milk ratio with not too much vanilla added 8/10

I should have asked for my drinks to be prepared with a fresher bean or with more patience or maybe one more person on staff? I’m not sure what went wrong but I wouldn’t return.

Brûlerie de café de Québec

Brûlerie de café de Québec

Brûlerie de café de Québec

Brûlerie de café de Québec

Brûlerie de café de Québec

Brûlerie de café de Québec

Brûlerie de café de Québec

Brûlerie de café de Québec

Brûlerie de café de Québec

Brûlerie de café de Québec

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